Saint-Gobain Abrasives China successfully participated in Beijing International Auto Maintenance Exhibition (AMR)


The 67th Beijing International Auto Maintenance Exhibition (AMR2017) was held in Beijing International Exhibition Center from March 30 to April 2, 2017. Saint-Gobain Abrasives China successfully participated in this AMR exhibition. AMR is Asia's largest auto repair equipment, tools and beauty conservation exhibition. For the first time, the Norton brand was unveiled in the automotive aftermarket, providing professional lacquer enamel accessories and perfect solutions for major 4S groups and auto repair shops.

At the exhibition, we made careful preparations in the booth design, product display, and on-site interaction. The 135-square-meter (the largest in history) booth is parked with a real red Porsche, as well as a large and stunning LED screen, and a large-scale light box screen of Norton's “Complete Plan” cheats. Eight grinding application steps, such as sanding, vehicle shading, and lacquer processing, are clearly presented to the exhibitors. Foreign models present the products and interactions for the audience, adding color to the booth and attracting more visitors. This year's booth also has booths. A part of the eye-catching powder-shadowing demonstration experience, live on the scene, live broadcast through the LED large screen, not only let the audience truly understand the subtleties of Norton? shielding products and they can help everyone to say goodbye to tape degumming Rework caused by problems such as paint lacquering, and sharing tips and precautions in the masking process, and allowing them to personally experience the excellent performance of Saint-Gobain aftermarket products.

During the exhibition, the industry mainstream media “Automotive and Driving Maintenance” magazine interviewed Mr. Ma Ai, Vice President of Asia Pacific. In addition, we also organized a dealer conference for auto sales, and dealers across the country visited the AMR exhibition and had full communication with the company's management and sales team.

In the future, we will continue to invest resources and actively promote the automotive after-sales market, expand the influence of Norton brand, and provide customers with more product series, better service and technical support.







