Saint-Gobain Glass Debut at FAW·Volkswagen Supplier Innovation Products Exhibition


From July 19th to 20th, 2018, FAW·Volkswagen was located in the innovation base of Changchun, Jilin, and held the second supplier innovation product exhibition. A total of 41 excellent suppliers in the fields of automotive glass, headlights and driver assistance were invited to participate in the exhibition, with a total of 101 exhibits.

Saint-Gobain Safety Glass, one of the products created by our innovative technology, is a lightweight automotive glass exhibitor. On the exhibition day on July 20th, Saint-Gobain Safety Glass explained the product's solutions and superior performance to visitors from the technical, design and procurement departments, and stimulated the audience's strong interest and heated discussion. In the process of answering questions for the host factory visitors, we also received a lot of valuable feedback, such as the question about the sound insulation effect of lightweight automotive glass products, the expectation of the research and development efficiency and innovation ability of Saint-Gobain Shanghai R&D Center, and the dynamics. The focus of electronic technology applications and the need to diversify the content of the future.



In addition to successfully promoting the new technology of Saint-Gobain safety glass, this exhibition also directly acquired the needs of the OEMs through face-to-face communication and strengthened the cooperation between the two parties. At the same time, the exhibition explored the wind direction of auto parts and vehicle development, and provided ideas for the future development of new technologies and new products.