Saint-Gobain in the Louvre-Lens


Saint-Gobain is supporting the Louvre-Lens where a major exhibition of works by Charles Le Brun (1619-1690), the leading painter of Louis XIV, has just opened.

Eleven display cases in Saint-Gobain Glassolutions?were donated to the Museum. Some of these display Le Brun’s cartoons (preliminary drawings) for the Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles. In addition to the vast compositions for which Le Brun is best known, the exhibition also provides insight into his extraordinary drawings in which the artist sought to reproduce as faithfully as possible the anatomy of humans and animals. Opened in December 2012, the ethereal Louvre-Lens building was constructed over a former coal mine. Henri Loyrette, President of the Louvre at the time, said, "Lens and Le Louvre: two words that are forevermore linked, merged almost, and destined to travel a shared path serving the public, art and beauty.”

Copyright:? Laurent Lamacz / Ville de Lens

